I want to be a Minister. 47,24×47,24 in
I want to be a Housewife. 47,24×47,24 in
I want to be a Nun. 47,24×47,24 in
The girl with the pearl earring. 31,50×31,50 in
La belle Ferronière. 31,50×31,50 in
Portrait of a young woman. 31,50×31,50 in
La Fornarina. 31,50×31,50 in
Margarita Van Eyck. 31,50×31,50 in
La Gioconda. Leonardo da Vinci. 31,50×31,50 in
La Gioconda. Leonardo da Vinci. 39,37×39,37 in
La Gioconda. Leonardo da Vinci. 66,93×39,37 in
The Muda. Raphael. 66,93×39,37 in
Margarita Van Eyck. 66,93×39,37 in
Portrait of Woman. Rogier Van der Weyden. 66,93×39,37 in
I want to be a goddess. That they admire me, that they spoil me, that they want me and that they respect me. 27,56×39,37 in
Mehrahgart. All the women had 2 hands. 59,06×17,72 in